Chef Joni Manes’ Top 5 Healthy Baking Substitutions

My name is Chef Joni Manes and not only have I spent multiple years in the restaurant business. I have had the extraordinary opportunity to have Two beautiful daughters. One of which created some allergies in the early stages of her life. It was within that time that I felt it very important to really understand the best way to handle substitutions. This inevitably led me to a wonderful place within recipe and development. As I love to believe that I can make any modified treat, taste just as good as the real thing.


  • Butter – Coconut Oil or plant-based butter = even exchange
  • Avocado – 1 cup of pureed avocado + 3 tbs of water = 1 cup butter
  • Banana Mashed – 3/4 cup = 1 cup of oil
  • Applesauce – 1 cup = 1 cup of oil


  • Honey – 3/4 cup for every 1 cup of sugar, when using this application also adjust other liquids in the recipe by 1/4 cup
  • Maple Syrup – 1 cup = 1 cup; when using this application, also reduce one of the other liquids in the recipe by 1/4 cup


  • Greek yogurt – an even exchange for sour cream
  • Plant based milk – an even exchange for any liquids


  • 1 tbs Baking Powder + 1 tsp oil + 2 tsp water = one egg, best in baking applications
  • Aquafaba – 3 tbs = 1 egg white
  • Apple sauce – 3 tbs = 1 whole egg


  • Gluten free = 3/4 cup of a 1:1 gluten free All-purpose blend + 1/4 cup oat flour = 1 cup All-purpose flour
  • Whole Wheat Flour – 1 cup = 1 cup of AP Flour


Joni Manes is a Pastry Chef and Owner/Operator of Honey Pot Pastry. With her business partner Pastry Chef and Owner/Operator Tia Evans, the two women offer cakes, cookies, and pies on their website

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